Paula Prestes
Born in São Roque, in the countryside of São Paulo, she is passionate about nature. She graduated in 2004 with a degree in Accounting. She has a postgraduate degree (lato sensu) in Economics and Management of Labor Relations from PUC-SP and Public Management from UTFPR.
Interested in social dynamics and public policies, in order to transform the world we live in, she dedicated herself to studying the third sector and learning more about organizations that work with the environment. In 2009 she started working at SAVE Brasil, where she had her first contact with the world of ornithology. In 2015, she began a journey of self-discovery, through the world of Yoga and Manual Therapies. This allowed her to expand her knowledge about people, experience silence, sharpen her listening skills, contemplate and observe, characteristics so present in the dynamics of birdwatching. This experience also allowed her to delve deeper into interpersonal dynamics, as a rich and necessary experience for life. Administrative and financial work have always been present, managing her business and personal life.
Today she lives in Osasco/SP, with her partner and cats, and she is part of the BBE team, returning to the world of birds, the financial area, maintaining her social commitment and connections with people and nature.