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Pablo Cerqueira

Pablo Cerqueira was born in Teresina, Piauí state, Northeast Brazil, in 1989. Grew up traveling from a big town to a little city in the south of Piauí in the middle of the Caatinga and Cerrado environments during his school holidays. Since his childhood he was very curious to know about animals whom he observed in nature. He naturally chose to study Biology to specialize in birds.

Academic Carreer

At the end of his undergraduate course, Pablo moved to Belém city Pará state, Northern Brazil, in 2012, to study Zoology focusing in evolution and biogeography of Neotropical birds. During his Master’s degree he has worked with Phylogeography and interspecific limits of the polytypic Black-billed Thrush (Turdus ignobilis).
In 2019 concluded his PhD. thesis focused on evolution patterns of endemic birds of the Caatinga domain. He is now associate researcher in “Universidade Federal do Pará” and “Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi”, contributing in studies of evolutionary history, biogeography and ecology.
New Species

Currently Pablo has described two species new to science, co-authoring the Cryptic Flatbill (Rhynchocyclus cryptus) from western Amazonian and leading the publication of Northern Silvery-cheeked Antshrike (Sakesphoroides niedeguidonae) from Caatinga dry forests in Northeastern Brazil.

Birding Tours

Pablo has ten years of field experience participating and organizing expeditions to many places in the Amazon, Caatinga dry forests and Cerrado with a special interest in exploring remote regions. During his Master’s degree Pablo observed that eastern Pará state was virtually unexplored for birding in the Belém Area of Endemism and decided to organize tours focusing in rare and endemic birds of Pará state and many friends encouraged this initiative. Currently, Pablo offers birding tours through many areas of endemism in the Amazon forest and northeastern Brazil, accounting for over 1,000 species.

He is an enthusiastic wildlife photographer and sound recordist, contributor of the Macaulay Library (Cornell Lab of Ornithology).

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We have travelled many times with BBE and the guides and overall service by the company has always been faultless. We will be back as soon as we can!

Andy and Gill Swash

Excellent trip: Pablo was a brilliant guide and the birding excellent,

Mark sutton

This was my second time travelling with BBE, this time to the Amazon and South Brazil. Just as with my previous trip, I can wholeheartedly recommend birding with BBE. The itinerary they planned for me was perfect in terms of habitats visited, time spent at each site as well as the quality of the guides, food and accommodation. Particular mention goes to my guides Pablo Cerqueira (Amazon) and Fernando Farias (South Brazil), who were not only excellent company but also excellent guides who were not only familiar with their region's birds and where to find them, but were also fully dedicated to helping me get the best views of the most difficult birds.

Albert Low

BBE does an amazing job of communication and organization of their tours. This is due in large part to the logistical wizardry of Joanna! We birded Carajas NF and NE Brazil and our guides Pablo and Carlos were superb. Their hearing and identification of heard birds was truly amazing! I would heartily endorse and recommend BBE to anyone in interested in birding Brazil!

Kevin Lee Guse

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