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João Vitor Andriola

João was born and raised in the highlands of Paraná state, a region rich in rare and endemic bird species. His passion for birdwatching began in childhood, inspired by the remarkable diversity of birds on his family's rural property. Since 2011, João has been dedicated to exploring and documenting Brazil's avifauna.

While pursuing a degree in Biology, João focused on the ecology and conservation of birds in high-altitude natural grasslands. His research not only provided critical insights into species distribution but also led to the remarkable discovery of the Straight-billed Reedhaunter, a rare and endangered bird, within Paraná's borders.

In 2017, João embarked on his career as a birdwatching guide, leading tours and expeditions across Brazil. Over the years, he has explored all six of the country’s unique biomes, guiding groups to discover Brazil’s rich avian diversity. To date, João has recorded over 1,200 bird species in Brazil and continues to share his expertise and passion with birdwatchers from around the world.

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Joao was great company, a careful driver and an excellent birder with very sharp ears and eyes - clearly a man of the future for BBE! And a great bonus for our tour!

Ulrik Andersen

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