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Carlos Gussoni

Carlos O. Gussoni was born in São Paulo city, capital of the State of São Paulo. He is a passionate and enthusiastic birder since he was 11 years old and an avid naturalist. Carlos has traveled for birding in 22 of 26 Brazilian states and has seen more than 1300 species in the country. In addition to birds, he has a great interest in all groups of fauna, especially butterflies, having dedicated himself to butterfly watching since 2020.

He holds a Ph.D. in Zoology and has worked on the natural history of the Restinga Tyrannulet in the Brazilian States of São Paulo and Paraná for almost 10 years. Currently dedicates part of his time to the study of other species of the genus Phylloscartes. Carlos is a reviewer of lots of Ornithology journals and has published three books and more than 50 scientific articles about South American birds. Since 2007 he has worked on several Conservation Projects of the NGO SAVE Brasil, mainly in the Serra do Urubu area (Pernambuco State), where he studied the rare Alagoas Foliage-gleaner.

He is also a volunteer reviewer for the eBird and acted as the coordinator of the Brazilian reviewers team for almost a decade. Carlos was a member of the Brazilian Team in the World Birding Rally held in Peru in 2013.

He lives in the countryside of São Paulo and is currently studying the behavior of Atlantic Forest and Cerrado species, including some that are globally threatened. In the southeast, northeast and the Pantanal there is nothing that goes unnoticed by Carlos’ ears.

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BBE does an amazing job of communication and organization of their tours. This is due in large part to the logistical wizardry of Joanna! We birded Carajas NF and NE Brazil and our guides Pablo and Carlos were superb. Their hearing and identification of heard birds was truly amazing! I would heartily endorse and recommend BBE to anyone in interested in birding Brazil!

Kevin Lee Guse

Carlos was outstanding, not only did he find the target birds, his knowledge of the habitats and non bird species was excellent. He was friendly, helpful, kind and a pleasure to travel with. This trip will stay in my memories forever

Jo Symon

Carlos is an incredible guide - informative, unflappable, friendly and above all a superb bird finder. BBE set standards regarding the tour that leave most other companies in the dark 😊

Steve Davis

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