Caio Brito
Caio Brito was born in Fortaleza, state of Ceará, Northeast Brazil, in 1989. At the age of 5, he followed his family to California, where he lived from 1995 to 2000. Because of this early experience with the English language, he is a fluent English-speaking guide.
In the year of 2012, after getting his degree in Biology at the State University of Ceará (UECE), Caio went on a road trip around Brazil on his 125cc motorcycle! He was eager to know more about the country and its biogeographical aspects (and all the birds, of course!). This trip provided him with a fair general idea of the country, and, most important, it gave him the thirst to seek ever more! From then on, Caio has been setting out on journeys throughout the country in every single Brazilian biome, and has seen over 1500 birds on all four corners of Brazil!
Caio is an enthusiastic, fun, patient and thoughtful person to be with. Besides the birds that he is always very passionate to show, there is always a hot thermos bottle of coffee to keep you going during the day!
If you want to have fun besides seeing a great number of birds, look no further!
Caio has a vast experience in the Northeast and Southeast and also guides in the Amazon, Pantanal and Southern Brazil.

I was on the 23-day Northeast Brazil tour with four other birders from January 20 to February 11, 2019, and what a fantastic experience! Our guides, Caio and Tati, were enthusiastic, energetic, and knowledgeable. I was hesitant about joining this tour because of its length and long car rides; however, every day was so exciting and different, and the drives made comfortable with interesting scenery and stops, including at local eateries and fruit stands. A truly memorable trip!
Karen Hamblett
This is what I wrote in the mammal report that I wrote: I arranged the tour with Caio Brito of Brazil Birding Experts. This was the best possible choice I could have taken. Not only is Caio an outstanding birding guide, he also is a great person to be with. We spent hours in the car (we drove 3350 km) talking
about birds, life, and everything in between. He is extremely hard-working in the field, and while he is not a mammal expert, he had no problems with getting up at 1:30 to reach a forest site in the dark to look for bats. He also has an extensive network of contacts and was able to obtain tons of useful information during the trip. I am looking forward to doing another tour with him.
Michael Kessler
The Northeast Brazil birding tour was fantastic. Caio and Tati are wonderful birders and great people. Every time we needed something, they were there to provide it,whether it was snacks, water, translations. Along with the outstanding birding, we had many conversations in the car about the people of Brazil-who were all very nice-the history of the country-the Canudos War, Cabral's landfall in Porto Seguro, and many other things. I would recommend this trip to anyone. I am still missing those Northeast Brazil breakfasts and kilo restaurants!
Bart Anderson
If you want to bird Northeast Brazil only go with Ciro Albano and Caio Brito in SUVs. Nobody can beat Brazil Birding Experts for birding!
Tony Menart
Our 15-day tour of Northeast Brazil was stupendous! Our guide Caio Brito is a top-notch birder who knows where the birds are and how to find them, all done with great passion and joy. He has deep knowledge about the birds, subspecies, likely splits, and their conservation status and issues. We saw almost every bird on our (very long) target list! In addition to being an expert guide, Caio is personable, full of good humor, considerate, and caring. He thought of ways of improving our odds of spotting a target bird and was indefatigable in tracking them down. We also observed his respect for everyone with whom he dealt, from hotel owners to gas station attendants, which was reciprocated, making our trip smooth and a joy. From a physical comfort standpoint, he anticipated everything we might need. Plus he knows the best eating spots! His (and Brazil Birding Experts') organization and planning skills were superb-- there were no hiccups on our trip. We are very happy with this unforgettable and seamless birding trip.
Mary K. ("Katy") Krigbaum
A superb southeast Brazil custom tour with Caio Brito. We saw some incredible birds (Cherry-throated Tanager, Brazilian Merganser, White-winged Nightjar, Grey-winged Cotinga and Violaceous Quail-Dove to name just a few). The whole trip was great fun and expertly led and guided by Caio, with local assistance where helpful. BBE are definitely the natural first choice for anyone considering this trip.
Simon de Albuquerque