Pantanal + Southeast + Amazon clean up
33 days
Like Elaine keeps on repeating: ITS NOW OR NEVER! So why not aim for 1000 species in a month? Of course, for Elaine, she would easily trade 500 of those for the nearly 100 lifers she could possibly get on this trip. And that will be our mission: 100 lifers for Elaine and, at least, 400 for Josh. Welcome to the 4 Corners of Brazil Customized Tour 2021. We will begin our journey in the breathtaking Pantanal with all those huge waterbirds and Jaguars wandering around. Then we fly to the exuberant Southeast Atlantic Forest, where we will see plenty of beautiful tanagers, toucans, and great endemics. Our third stop will be in Amazonia National Park, where we will have our first taste of the Amazon. And be sure to know that this is one of the best places to get a taste of that: super big and pristine forest fragment. Afterwards, we head to Amapá, where we will get many birds that are exclusive of the northern portion of the Brazilian amazon. Tie your boots and get ready guys; this will certainly be a memorable journey through this vast country!