Northeast + Southeast + South
23 days
On this challenging tour we will drive over 7000km in only 23 days going from north to south of Brazil looking for some of the rarest birds in the world! With only approximately 60 lifers to see, if we manage to get at least 40-50, this will be a victory. Of course, we will try to get 60 and even more! We begin this tour in the far east of the northeast looking for a few of the rarest birds in Brazil such as Alagoas Antwren, Alagoas Black-throated Trogon and Alagoas Screech-Owl, and finish off all the way down in Rio Grande do Sul looking for some South Brazilian specialties such
as Kaempfer's Tody-Tyrant, Restinga Tyrannulet, Red-spectacled Parrots and more! We wish you all the best of luck in this journey, that will surely be an unforgettable one. Safe travels!