Northeast Brazil Complete Tour
23 days
A mind-blowing tour, a special bird every day, lots of endemics and some of the rarest birds in the world. We travel approximately 6.000km in 23 days, crossing the Northeast and visiting Central
Brazil and part of Southeast (North of Minas Gerais State, almost Bahia). We go from the endangered Gray-breasted Parakeet in Guaramiranga, crossing the incredible Cerrado in Central Brazil to see the Pfrimer's Parakeet, visiting the North of Minas Gerais to look for the rare Blue- eyed Ground-Dove and finishing with nothing less than the magnificent Banded Cotinga in Southern Bahia. We could name many incredible endemics that are possible on this trip but to keep it straight and simple we'll name the ones on this cover: Araripe Manakin (Chapada do Araripe), Lear's Macaw (Canudos), Pfrimer's parakeet (São Domingos) and Blue-eyed Ground- Dove (Botumirim).